How it Works

In order to bring Values Based Shopping to life, there needs to be an easy-to-understand scoring system that displays a 1-100 score for every brand or product you Search or Scan in the app.  That’s why we developed our proprietary V Score.

The scoring methodology used by the App to produce the V Score is a complex calculation that takes into consideration many factors about a particular brand, some objective and some subjective. In many ways the V Score is similar to the way we all have FICO credit scores calculated for us by a handful of credit bureaus.

Your Credit scores are a mix of objective information like:

  • Your Personal Information (e.g. employment history, address, SSN),
  • Public Records that exist about you (e.g. bankruptcies, judgments, tax liens),
  • Your Credit Account details (e.g. name, type, and size of credit accounts, the length of that credit history, and account standing)

Credit scores also contain embedded subjective information like:

  • Preference   – which information is deemed more important than others
  • Relevance    – how the information is applied if its known or not
  • Weighting    – how much score value is given to one factor over another
  • Adjustment  – what score changes are applied before final

V Scores are no different. Like a non-financial credit score for companies, they are comprised of objective and subjective data sources. There is public information available about all companies at the foreign, federal, state, and local levels as well as a multitude of information published or made publicly available by the companies themselves in the form of statements, press releases, interviews, ad campaigns, social media, and others. We aggregate as much as our servers can consume, and we attempt to digest it at scale and transform it into a 1-100 score relative to the values settings you yourself set in the app.

V Scores are calculated in real-time, and can change periodically, so we try and make it easy for Veebs Subscribers to translate that 1-100 V Score into something meaningful for them.  The V Alignment rating is a simple color-centered rating system based on V Score tiers that are easy to understand and remind us all of the years we spent in school.  Here it is:

  • 80 – 100 // GREEN // Great
  • 65 – 79 // LIGHT GREEN // Good
  • 55 – 64 // BLUE // Fair
  • 45 – 54 // YELLOW // Low
  • 35 – 44 // ORANGE // Poor
  • 20 – 34 // LIGHT RED // Bad
  • 1 – 19 // RED // Awful

Like a FICO Credit Score or Consumer Reports, it is an opinion-based score in the end. How much money you spend on which brands is your decision alone, including Veebs, but we do our best to make that opinion relevant to you.

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